Mr. Bohn's Universe of Exploration 

Welcome To your Next Adventure !

 In my classes we will strive to  be an interactive experience where students  will have fun and challenge themselves to go beyond thier limits of understanding. I believe that  students should be responsible enough to take charge of thier learning. It is not my job to teach you, rather it is my job to facilitate good learning experiences that help you take charge of your own learning. I also believe that is vital that you learned to work with each other. Therfore I will ultilize many group based learning in this class. However, before working on projects or discussion I will expect you to be prepared for class. 

  As we live in the  21st century and  technology is vital and is the future of education. I will be making use of  online education for your lectures and online videos. In this class we will expand upon what you learn through discussions and projects that  should be fun and based on what you like as I willl think of  your needs in this  class and your interests. Ultimately, this is about you and your learning experience. So Do your best to make it a good learning experience.  


The only man who never makes mistakes is the man who never does anything..”
- Theodore Roosevelt